
When will my order be shipped?

We do a sale once every month. When you order your products you can see and select the available shipment date(s). We will do our best to make sure that your shipment will be ready and shipped (or available for pickup) on that date.

What are the delivery times?

The delivery time depends on the country from which you order. Orders within the Netherlands will usually be delivered the next day. For other countries it varies between 2-5 working days, depending on the country and the selected shipment carrier. For more detailed information on delivery times please contact us. 

To which countries do you ship?

We ship to all countries within the EU, but also to Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Keep in mind that orders in Switzerland the United Kingdom may receive an additional charge for customs. 

What are the shipment fees?

The shipment fees are dependent on the country you would like to ship to. When you view your shopping card you can select the country and shipment carrier of your preference. This will show you the shipment fee of your order. 

Can I pick up my order?

Yes, orders can be picked up for free in Eindhoven. Please go to Contact to find our address. 


I see that some products are sold out. Why is that?

We are a small business, and because of that we do one sale each month. As we do not have the capacity to make all our products for each sale, we select a few products for each sale. Those products will be available for ordering and the products that we will not make for this sale will be shown as sold out. If you do have interest in a product which isn't available, then please contact  us to let us know your wishes. We base the products for each sale based the demand, so maybe in next month's sale it will be available again!


My order did not arrive. What do I do?

If your order did not arrive then please contact  us and we will do our best to sort it out. 

I see that I am not being charged for VAT (VAT). Is this correct?

Yes, we make use of a tax ruling called KOH, intended for small business. This means we are exempt from charging VAT (VAT) and it allows us to keep our prices low. 

Can I cancel my order?

If you want to cancel your order then please contact  us and we will refund you the payment. However please do cancel your order 3 days before the shipment date, as we would like to know this before we have baked your order. 

Can I get a refund?

We want all our customers to enjoy our products. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied with your order then please provide a reason along with a photograph or video.  A partial refund will be provided in case of a lost parcel.